Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day One Hundred Seventy Four

First day of TAing today! I met my first of two labs this morning, and they didn't injure themselves while categorizing everything in their lab drawers (an improvement over the same procedure completed a couple months ago with my lab last semester) and seemed pretty comfortable already with asking me questions and my opinion on things, so things look promising. We'll see how it all goes when they actually have to do something scientific. That's when the truth comes out.

Then I worked on some things for lab as well as my first homework assignment of the semester before heading out to meet my grandparents. I took a new way home, and ended up passing a bar with a reader board that said "Go Seahawks" as well as driving behind someone with a WSU Washington license plate. It made me nostalgic and a little homesick. But also happy that I'm not the only Washington-native-Seahawk-fan here in Texas

I ended the day with tacos, an episode of Grimm, and a phone call with my mom. It was a pretty great ending to a fairly relaxing day.

Good night.

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