Thursday, January 2, 2014

Day One Hundred Fifty Three

I stayed up too late again. New Years is just throwing my internal clock waaaay off. All I did today was read and watch TV in a zombie post-New-Year state. I didn't hate it.

I went to Seattle to watch New Years at the Needle last night. It was lots of fun, and I got to experience with three good friends, Melika, Nate, and John. Unfortunately, crazy dense fog rolled in about 2 minutes before the fireworks show and all we could see were the fireworks shooting off the base of the Needle. It didn't matter though, I was still excited to be there, and I got to experience it with three of my favorite people.

Giant 12th man crane. Go Hawks!

Fireworks...from the lower half of the Needle. The fog was insane.

Nate and John, my favorite George Fox guys.

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