Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day One Hundred Sixty Four

I packed today. A lot. For those unaware, I'm moving to a new place in a few days, and let me just say...I forgot how exhausting packing is. Honestly. I wish I had super human strength and could just carry my bookshelf to my new apartment instead of having to empty it and then refill it once we get there. Same with the dresser. And the desk. And anything I have that holds something else. Who knew DVDs could get so heavy when packed en masse?

Other than packing, I went to church, had lunch with my grandparents, and watched lots of Breaking Bad with my roommate. Oh, and was saddened that the 49ers won their playoff game. Colin Kaepernick, will you ever just leave my Seahawks alone?! Next weekends game is going to be completely nuts.

Tomorrow is the first day of the spring semester. Woohoo! You know what's even better? I don't even have a class that day! Well, in a couple weeks I'll start teaching a Monday lab, but as of now nothing is happening except being introduced to the lecture class that I'll be TAing labs for. And hanging out in my research lab following older PhD students around so I can try and learn from what they're doing. Good times. New semester, fresh start, I'm ready to dominate.

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