Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day One Hundred Sixty

I knew it would happen. I knew it. I went to the UT Co-Op today, and they already have Texas Strong shirts out for the new football coach. I didn't buy one...I'm waiting for one that says Stronghorns. I think that's much catchier. I wonder what he thinks of these...if he didn't know how obsessed fans are with UT Football, he'll know now considering people may be sporting UT shirts directly referencing him. That would be so weird.

I spent most of the day at my desk in the lab. I observed a couple grad students do their research and did a little bit of my own literature research. When I started falling asleep on my laptop I figured it was time to call it a day. Just in time for afternoon traffic. Perfect. Thankfully I've finally figured out how to navigate the traffic on the highway and know which lanes move the fastest. I feel so savvy.

Tomorrow I find out which two lab sections I'll be teaching this semester. Two of them! I'll be grading lab reports every waking moment. Good thing I like TAing, or it would just be horrible. Hopefully I get as good of students this semester as I had in the fall. Please UT...don't give me the lab full of trouble makers.

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