Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day One Hundred Sixty Eight

I got up at 630 this morning. And got to campus by 8. I literally watched the sun rise as I sat in traffic, and it was so beautiful (the sunrise, not the traffic). Still not enough to make me get up that early every day, but it made getting up so early a little more bearable.

Classes again today. I managed to stay awake during both of them, though it got a little close during my second class. Those post-lunch classes get me every time. Between classes I got an introduction to the big fancy laser in the research lab I joined. The thing is so powerful it'll burn your hand if you touch it and blind you if it (or its reflection) hits your eye. The guy telling me about it told me I wouldn't be touching any part of the laser myself until I got further along in school...I told him that was more than fine with me. Next laser session is tomorrow.

My roommate and I are loving this new apartment. I surprised the maintenance man when I got home today (or he surprised me...maybe a little bit of both), he was fixing my toilet. I took him cold water. I think we're best friends now.

Waking up early = going to bed early. I should have gotten into this routine months ago. Better late then never.

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