Sunday, August 31, 2014

Day Three Hundred Ninety Four

For anyone who was curious, yes, I did wear my periodic table Toms in honor of the first day of Fall semester this past Wednesday. I took a photo to prove it, and can finally post it now that I've transferred it from my phone to my computer. I love chemistry, but I may love these shoes even more so. Also, this is (partially) the view from the window next to my desk. Not bad, right? At least it isn't just the side of another building.

But now for the main event. FOOTBALL FOOTBALL FOOTBALL. UT football returned with a vengeance yesterday, and thankfully won their first home game under the guidance of new head coach Charlie Strong. The offense looked pretty shaky at times, but the defense was absolutely killer - which surprised many of us, since the defense was basically non-existent last year. For anyone who watched the football season last year, I'm sure you all remember the UT vs BYU game, where the BYU quarterback put up a record number of rushing yards. In his giant knee brace. Because our defense couldn't quite understand how to deal with a quarterback who ran. Thank goodness those days seem to be behind us (hopefully).

It was a balmy 93 degrees at tailgate, and it cooled down all the way to 91 for the game. You guys, it was just so hot. I thought I would feel better knowing that I survived the first home game last year in 104 degree weather, but it didn't even help a little bit. I chugged as much lukewarm water as possible and still woke up this morning feeling dehydrated. It was brutal. You know it's a hot game when the line for the drinking fountain is longer than every single concession stand line.

Bob Avant went to the game with me, and tolerated all of us chemistry nerds like a champ (there are 11 of us that all sit together this year at football games). Thanks for going to the game, Bob! It's always fun to share a UT football game with family and friends. Dad, you're up next week, I hope you're ready!

Today was recovery day from the game. That isn't even a joke. I studied and cleaned and did laundry. Mainly, I did everything I could to stay in my air conditioned apartment. And it was glorious.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Day Three Hundred Ninety Two

You guys, 5:45am is early. Really early. I leave at 6:45am, get to campus by 7:20am, and watch the sun rise as I walk to lab. Thankfully my class seems like its going to be really interesting, or else this whole 8am lecture thing would be absolutely awful. I'm in an upper division undergrad biology class that I was able to get approved for graduate credit (sweet!), and it is far and away the biggest class I've ever been in. 300 students. What?! The largest class I ever had in undergrad was 35. This professor has to use a microphone as he lectures. My undergrad professors could whisper and everyone would hear them. It makes me thankful that I went to such a small school, I liked having the professors know who I was, as opposed to having the professor point at me and say "You." if I raise my hand in class (this happened to someone today). Either way, I'm excited for what this class holds. Even if it makes me wake up at an ungodly hour.

Besides class, this week has been study study study. I decided to take a break today and do an experiment instead, and it worked from beginning to end. On the first try. It was a pretty fantastic way to end the work week. And to celebrate, I think I'll study some more. Ugh.

But another study break comes tomorrow in the form of the first UT football game of the season! I can't wait. Tailgate and concrete bleachers that no one actually sits on and giant overpriced soft pretzels. Let's do this, Longhorns. Try not to embarrass your new coach too badly, because if you do, he'll probably yell at you. As will many others. In the most loving, encouraging, demanding way as possible.

And now, I sleep.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Day Three Hundred Eighty Nine

And so begins the semester of waking up at 5:45am almost every morning. Awesome. Is this what grown up life is like? I'm not sure I like it.

The one positive about waking up at this hour is I get really pretty morning-photos of campus. The fact that the fountains were on made it even better. For those of you who ever wondered what UT looks like on a summer morning at 7:15am, I give you these...

Not bad, right? And it was actually pleasant outside too. Now if we could move the football games from 7pm to 7am, the temperatures would be way more bearable.

First day of the new school year tomorrow!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Day Three Hundred Eighty Eight

I had the flu shot ickies this weekend. Hence no blog posts, because all I wanted to do was sleep. Then I kicked off my week with an extremely tame (boring) Monday. Drive to school, study, go to grocery store, drive home, eat dinner (Salmon! Yum.), study more, and now sleep.

Maybe tomorrow will be more exciting? Hope springs eternal. Maybe I'll go get a snow cone.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Day Three Hundred Eighty Five

Guess what? Picture post! I'll start with what basically my entire week consisted of - sunrises and LabVIEW training. I promise I was careful while taking this photo. Promise. Here's the Austin sunrise. I almost got it coming over downtown (which is behind those trees), but took the photo a couple seconds too early. I was bummed, but as my mother so kindly pointed out, since I have an 8am class this fall I'll have ample opportunity to get more sunrise photos.

And here's a photo of my computer screen from my LabVIEW training. It was four straight 8am-5pm days of my screen looking like variations of this. Does it make any sense to you? No? Me either. I got really good at connecting wires and boxes and making things run, but if you asked me why certain things worked and others didn't, I would be at a total loss. Good thing I kept the manuals.

Today was my one non-LabVIEW day of the week, so I celebrated it by studying for qualifying exams and getting a flu shot. Best celebration ever. My arm hurts, and I'll likely feel icky tomorrow, but I just see that as a good excuse for me to stay in bed all day. I will take it. The pharmacist commented on how I was getting my shot early this year, and I simply replied "In five days I'll be surrounded by undergrads. I can't think of a better time to get the flu vaccination." But something did happen today that made me smile - I stumbled upon a squirrel giving himself a dirt bath. I didn't know squirrels did this, but I guess they are as desperate to cool down as everyone else. Also, one of the best parts of summer (in my opinion) is seeing squirrels laying flat on their bellies in the shade. Makes me happy every single time I see it.

On a final note - remember how I challenged my favorite comedian, Jeff Dye, to the ice bucket challenge? Well, he did it, and he mentioned my nomination in his video, and it is just about the best thing ever.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Day Three Hundred Eighty Two.

I drove to campus during sunrise and drove home from dinner during sunset today. Both were beautiful. But sunrise drives equal really early drives, another of which I have to make tomorrow. Goodnight.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Day Three Hundred Eighty

Today was fantasy football draft day for the Gridiron Gals! I'm pretty happy that I'm in an all female fantasy football league, it might just be one of the coolest things ever. We all met up at a place called Sherlock's Baker Street Pub, and it was just as awesome as it sounds. Plus they gave us all free drink coozies for doing our draft there. And who doesn't love free things?

The Gridiron Gals

Everyone with The Moonsnails (my team) luck. One draft down, one more to go.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Day Three Hundred Seventy Nine

Yesterday, Earl the penguin got his very first shirt from my sister Krystle. Just in time for football season!

Today, I did the Ice Bucket Challenge to help raise awareness and funds for ALS. It was 100 degrees outside, and I had just gotten back from the gym, so the bucket of ice water was pretty much the best thing ever. I may just do it every day from now on.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Day Three Hundred Seventy Eight

I just got nominated to do the Ice Bucket Challenge (to help raise awareness for ALS/Lou Gehrig's disease) by my brother. I should have known he'd call me out! Regardless, I'm happy to help raise awareness, and I don't hate the idea of pouring cold water over myself in the 97 degree Austin heat. Get ready for some photos tomorrow.

Today in lab...we cleaned. And I mean really cleaned. I mean filled up two garbage bags, the recycling container, and half filled a glass waste container kind of cleaned. I think the most common conversation was as follows -

"What is this?!"
"I have no idea, throw it away."

My boss will think he walked into a whole different lab when he gets back to Austin. This is what you get when you accept two first years (almost second years now!) in your research group that don't tolerate messy.

My sister-in-law sent me a surprise gift in the mail today, and it was such an awesome way to start the weekend! She sent me a little Texas Longhorns shirt that fits my stuffed penguin, Earl. And he looks adorable in it. I'll post a photo of this tomorrow as well. And you may faint from the cuteness overload. Krystle, I love you, you're the best.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Day Three Hundred Seventy Six

A pigeon collided with my front windshield on the highway this morning while I was en route to campus. And judging by the thud it made, it was a pigeon of substantial girth. Needless to say, I was extremely alert for the rest of that drive. Never a dull moment in the blueberry.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Day Three Hundred Seventy Five

The Blueberry passed it's yearly inspection today. I made an appointment at 8:15am thinking, "there's no way they could already be behind that early in the morning!" Well, apparently that couldn't have been more false, as my 30 minute car inspection turned into an hour and a half wait. Not cool, guys. You're lucky you have such a nice waiting room, or I would have been way more cranky. Regardless, my car is freshly inspected and has new windshield wiper blades, so I am ready to take on this unpredictable Texas weather.

Today was a qualifying exam study day at school. It was productive, minus the part where Mindy and I both fell asleep on top of our textbooks. Chemistry textbooks are not the most riveting of reading material, so we took frequent breaks to watch episodes of Hannibal, if for no other reason than to remind ourselves that things could be worse. Then a few of us from the Shear lab went out and had a farewell dinner for Mike and his wife, Shelli. They're off to greener pastures in DC, and I will definitely miss having Mike on the other side of my desk hutch. He was always a trooper when I offered him Starbursts on the condition that he let me deliver them by throwing them over my hutch blindly in hopes that they wouldn't smack him in the face. Mike, Shelli, and soon to be baby, good luck with your move and new home! And don't be surprised if I stop by sometime when I'm in the area.

As promised - overdue Houston Dash photos.


We had pretty awesome seats. 3rd row? Don't mind if I do.

Adorable mascot, albeit slightly spastic.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Day Three Hundred Seventy Four

Well, I've officially lived in Texas long enough to know that a storm front is coming in just by the feel of the air. I stepped outside of Welch Hall and immediately knew that lightning was in my future. Sure enough, I was treated to quite the lightning show on my drive home. It never got directly over us (thank goodness) but it certainly kept me alert. And it wasn't enough to stop me from going to the grocery store, because that's how much I wanted tacos for dinner tonight. Psh, forget you storm clouds, I need ground turkey! And it was worth it, the tacos were delicious.

This past weekend I took a mini road trip to Houston with my friend Emily to meet up with my aunts and go to a Houston Dash soccer game. It was awesome, albeit very very muggy (because Houston doesn't know any other way to behave). I also saw a number of things on the drive over that I'll have to go and explore sometime...such as the Prehistoric Adventure Park! Coming from a childhood in which Jurassic Park was watched more times then I can count, I was very excited about the potential this adventure park possesses. When it's not a bajillion degrees outside, I'm going to hang out with some dinos. Emily was equally excited about all the fresh melon stands on the side of the road. Clearly our minds were in different places. I took some photos from the game that I'll post tomorrow, so be ready to finally have another picture post! I know, it's been a while.

In other news, I have my first fantasy football draft this weekend! I say first because I'm in two leagues this year. My father and brother are so proud. Hopefully the Moonsnails will emerge victorious from at least one of them. I have a feeling the all girls league I'm joining is going to be way more cut throat then the other league. I can't wait...bring it on ladies. And if any of you take Drew Brees before I get the chance, it is war.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Day Three Hundred Seventy

These past few days have been filled with research and going to dissertation defenses. First off, a big congratulations to my lab mates Maryam and Derek for successfully defending their dissertations! And thank you for the delicious snacks provided during your presentations.

All of the defenses I went to were in the biomedical engineering building, which is one of the newer buildings on campus, and is completely amazing. I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter what building on campus I go in to, I automatically say "man...this is a nice building." I suppose this is the cross I must bear having my office in one of the older buildings. And being in the chemistry building, there's always bound to be a mysterious smell every once in a while. Especially on the 4th floor. What are you doing 4th floor?!

It was 100 degrees outside today at 8pm. I'll let that settle in with everyone. Needless to say, I spent the bulk of my day in air conditioned buildings. Every day is temperature whiplash going from 100+ degrees outside to 65ish degrees in lab. By the end of the work day we're all in jeans and sweatshirts. The worst is when you forget how much hotter it is outside and you walk to a meeting in said jeans and sweatshirt. It happens. Often.

Tomorrow is Friday! I don't know how this week went by so fast, but I definitely don't mind it.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Day Three Hundred Sixty Seven

We killed a scorpion in the apartment today. And when I say "we," I mean I frantically pointed at it so Kelly could go kill it. I'm sure there was more that happened over the course of today, but my brain short circuited when I saw the beast moseying my way as I sat and read my textbook. Then I learned that scorpions glow in the dark, making them easier to find if they're in your vicinity. Guess who's buying a blacklight this week and will now case the apartment every day upon entering?

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Day Three Hundred Sixty Five

Well, it's officially been a year in Austin. One exhausting, stressful, exciting, whirlwind of a year. I honestly can't believe it, it feels like a flew by, but at the same time it also feels like ages since I lived in Washington. While the fact that I'm a grad student at the University of Texas has finally settled in, I still have moments where I'm in complete awe that this is my life now. I can honestly say that graduate school is the most overwhelming experience I've ever had, but at the same time it's been one of the most rewarding thus far - getting the opportunity to teach undergrads and also work on research that could have a genuine impact on people in the future. Now the real stress comes with qualifying exams in a couple months, which is the reason I've spent more time with my chemistry textbooks then with actual people the last couple weeks.

Here is a little list of things I've learned living in Texas...

1. When you come to Texas, you will see signs by the highway that say "Welcome to Texas. Drive Friendly - The Texas Way." This is a lie. Texans are the worst drivers on the face of the planet. I find them all genuinely terrifying (as does the Blueberry, who has already had to go to the collision center from being hit by a big mean pickup truck).

2. University of Texas is essentially its own city. Need some boxes? Well how about you go to the University of Texas U-Haul! Need some medicine? Forty Acres Pharmacy on campus has you covered. Legal advice? Not even a problem, just stop by the legal office. This campus has everything, and it is seriously convenient.

3. If you don't eat beef, get ready to get a lot of confused and sometimes offended looks. This is a phrase I've heard uttered in complete seriousness - "You only eat chicken? That's basically a vegetable."

4. Don't have family or friends come visit during a Formula One race weekend. Having oil moguls and various other bazillionairs from all over the world come to town means every hotel room is charging exorbitant prices. Dad, lesson learned. Lesson. Learned.

5. The bugs are so loud and so gigantic. Seriously, cicadas? You're a bug. Stop screaming so much. And cockroaches, I don't understand how you all move so fast, you are fat little things.

6. In the summer time, everyone is a sweaty mess. Don't worry about sweating and standing out, if you don't you'll stand out even more looking like some genetic anomaly that doesn't perspire.

7. Living in an apartment is wonderful. Yes, my upstairs neighbors sometimes sound like they're bowling in their hallway, but when things break all I have to do is email maintenance. They even take care of wasp nests in my window and dead birds in my garage. Maintenance men, I'm making you all cookies one of these days.

8. People here are gossip-monsters. It can get tiresome.

9. No matter how independent you get, you will always need your family. Thank you mom, dad, and Jeff for helping me get through this past year. I love you all.

Well, Austin, happy one year anniversary. It's certainly been an adventure so far.