Friday, August 15, 2014

Day Three Hundred Seventy Eight

I just got nominated to do the Ice Bucket Challenge (to help raise awareness for ALS/Lou Gehrig's disease) by my brother. I should have known he'd call me out! Regardless, I'm happy to help raise awareness, and I don't hate the idea of pouring cold water over myself in the 97 degree Austin heat. Get ready for some photos tomorrow.

Today in lab...we cleaned. And I mean really cleaned. I mean filled up two garbage bags, the recycling container, and half filled a glass waste container kind of cleaned. I think the most common conversation was as follows -

"What is this?!"
"I have no idea, throw it away."

My boss will think he walked into a whole different lab when he gets back to Austin. This is what you get when you accept two first years (almost second years now!) in your research group that don't tolerate messy.

My sister-in-law sent me a surprise gift in the mail today, and it was such an awesome way to start the weekend! She sent me a little Texas Longhorns shirt that fits my stuffed penguin, Earl. And he looks adorable in it. I'll post a photo of this tomorrow as well. And you may faint from the cuteness overload. Krystle, I love you, you're the best.

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