Thursday, August 7, 2014

Day Three Hundred Seventy

These past few days have been filled with research and going to dissertation defenses. First off, a big congratulations to my lab mates Maryam and Derek for successfully defending their dissertations! And thank you for the delicious snacks provided during your presentations.

All of the defenses I went to were in the biomedical engineering building, which is one of the newer buildings on campus, and is completely amazing. I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter what building on campus I go in to, I automatically say "man...this is a nice building." I suppose this is the cross I must bear having my office in one of the older buildings. And being in the chemistry building, there's always bound to be a mysterious smell every once in a while. Especially on the 4th floor. What are you doing 4th floor?!

It was 100 degrees outside today at 8pm. I'll let that settle in with everyone. Needless to say, I spent the bulk of my day in air conditioned buildings. Every day is temperature whiplash going from 100+ degrees outside to 65ish degrees in lab. By the end of the work day we're all in jeans and sweatshirts. The worst is when you forget how much hotter it is outside and you walk to a meeting in said jeans and sweatshirt. It happens. Often.

Tomorrow is Friday! I don't know how this week went by so fast, but I definitely don't mind it.

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