Friday, August 29, 2014

Day Three Hundred Ninety Two

You guys, 5:45am is early. Really early. I leave at 6:45am, get to campus by 7:20am, and watch the sun rise as I walk to lab. Thankfully my class seems like its going to be really interesting, or else this whole 8am lecture thing would be absolutely awful. I'm in an upper division undergrad biology class that I was able to get approved for graduate credit (sweet!), and it is far and away the biggest class I've ever been in. 300 students. What?! The largest class I ever had in undergrad was 35. This professor has to use a microphone as he lectures. My undergrad professors could whisper and everyone would hear them. It makes me thankful that I went to such a small school, I liked having the professors know who I was, as opposed to having the professor point at me and say "You." if I raise my hand in class (this happened to someone today). Either way, I'm excited for what this class holds. Even if it makes me wake up at an ungodly hour.

Besides class, this week has been study study study. I decided to take a break today and do an experiment instead, and it worked from beginning to end. On the first try. It was a pretty fantastic way to end the work week. And to celebrate, I think I'll study some more. Ugh.

But another study break comes tomorrow in the form of the first UT football game of the season! I can't wait. Tailgate and concrete bleachers that no one actually sits on and giant overpriced soft pretzels. Let's do this, Longhorns. Try not to embarrass your new coach too badly, because if you do, he'll probably yell at you. As will many others. In the most loving, encouraging, demanding way as possible.

And now, I sleep.

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