Friday, August 22, 2014

Day Three Hundred Eighty Five

Guess what? Picture post! I'll start with what basically my entire week consisted of - sunrises and LabVIEW training. I promise I was careful while taking this photo. Promise. Here's the Austin sunrise. I almost got it coming over downtown (which is behind those trees), but took the photo a couple seconds too early. I was bummed, but as my mother so kindly pointed out, since I have an 8am class this fall I'll have ample opportunity to get more sunrise photos.

And here's a photo of my computer screen from my LabVIEW training. It was four straight 8am-5pm days of my screen looking like variations of this. Does it make any sense to you? No? Me either. I got really good at connecting wires and boxes and making things run, but if you asked me why certain things worked and others didn't, I would be at a total loss. Good thing I kept the manuals.

Today was my one non-LabVIEW day of the week, so I celebrated it by studying for qualifying exams and getting a flu shot. Best celebration ever. My arm hurts, and I'll likely feel icky tomorrow, but I just see that as a good excuse for me to stay in bed all day. I will take it. The pharmacist commented on how I was getting my shot early this year, and I simply replied "In five days I'll be surrounded by undergrads. I can't think of a better time to get the flu vaccination." But something did happen today that made me smile - I stumbled upon a squirrel giving himself a dirt bath. I didn't know squirrels did this, but I guess they are as desperate to cool down as everyone else. Also, one of the best parts of summer (in my opinion) is seeing squirrels laying flat on their bellies in the shade. Makes me happy every single time I see it.

On a final note - remember how I challenged my favorite comedian, Jeff Dye, to the ice bucket challenge? Well, he did it, and he mentioned my nomination in his video, and it is just about the best thing ever.

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