Sunday, August 31, 2014

Day Three Hundred Ninety Four

For anyone who was curious, yes, I did wear my periodic table Toms in honor of the first day of Fall semester this past Wednesday. I took a photo to prove it, and can finally post it now that I've transferred it from my phone to my computer. I love chemistry, but I may love these shoes even more so. Also, this is (partially) the view from the window next to my desk. Not bad, right? At least it isn't just the side of another building.

But now for the main event. FOOTBALL FOOTBALL FOOTBALL. UT football returned with a vengeance yesterday, and thankfully won their first home game under the guidance of new head coach Charlie Strong. The offense looked pretty shaky at times, but the defense was absolutely killer - which surprised many of us, since the defense was basically non-existent last year. For anyone who watched the football season last year, I'm sure you all remember the UT vs BYU game, where the BYU quarterback put up a record number of rushing yards. In his giant knee brace. Because our defense couldn't quite understand how to deal with a quarterback who ran. Thank goodness those days seem to be behind us (hopefully).

It was a balmy 93 degrees at tailgate, and it cooled down all the way to 91 for the game. You guys, it was just so hot. I thought I would feel better knowing that I survived the first home game last year in 104 degree weather, but it didn't even help a little bit. I chugged as much lukewarm water as possible and still woke up this morning feeling dehydrated. It was brutal. You know it's a hot game when the line for the drinking fountain is longer than every single concession stand line.

Bob Avant went to the game with me, and tolerated all of us chemistry nerds like a champ (there are 11 of us that all sit together this year at football games). Thanks for going to the game, Bob! It's always fun to share a UT football game with family and friends. Dad, you're up next week, I hope you're ready!

Today was recovery day from the game. That isn't even a joke. I studied and cleaned and did laundry. Mainly, I did everything I could to stay in my air conditioned apartment. And it was glorious.

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