Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Day Three Hundred Seventy Five

The Blueberry passed it's yearly inspection today. I made an appointment at 8:15am thinking, "there's no way they could already be behind that early in the morning!" Well, apparently that couldn't have been more false, as my 30 minute car inspection turned into an hour and a half wait. Not cool, guys. You're lucky you have such a nice waiting room, or I would have been way more cranky. Regardless, my car is freshly inspected and has new windshield wiper blades, so I am ready to take on this unpredictable Texas weather.

Today was a qualifying exam study day at school. It was productive, minus the part where Mindy and I both fell asleep on top of our textbooks. Chemistry textbooks are not the most riveting of reading material, so we took frequent breaks to watch episodes of Hannibal, if for no other reason than to remind ourselves that things could be worse. Then a few of us from the Shear lab went out and had a farewell dinner for Mike and his wife, Shelli. They're off to greener pastures in DC, and I will definitely miss having Mike on the other side of my desk hutch. He was always a trooper when I offered him Starbursts on the condition that he let me deliver them by throwing them over my hutch blindly in hopes that they wouldn't smack him in the face. Mike, Shelli, and soon to be baby, good luck with your move and new home! And don't be surprised if I stop by sometime when I'm in the area.

As promised - overdue Houston Dash photos.


We had pretty awesome seats. 3rd row? Don't mind if I do.

Adorable mascot, albeit slightly spastic.

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