Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Day Four Hundred Fifty Four

And the big news is..........

I passed my written qualifying exams!!!!! Now the only hurdle between me and candidacy to the doctoral program is my spring seminar. One. More. Step. Bring it, grad school. BRING IT. I found out on Monday, but was sworn to silence until Wednesday. Its safe to say I've been an emotional wreck ever since finding out. So many much stress and anticipation finally taken off my shoulders. Finally.

Today I had class. Then prepped solutions for experiments tomorrow. Then used my nearly-expired Groupon to see Gone Girl at Alamo Drafthouse. Its a very good movie, but if you haven't read the book (I didn't read it), brace yourself. That movie is going to go in all sorts of directions you won't expect, and will leave you dumbstruck by the end. Don't say I didn't warn you.

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