Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Day Four Hundred Fifty Three

I got my first book club book in the mail yesterday! Its "The Black Hour" by Lori Rader-Day. Then I double checked online to see when the book club will be meeting and......oh, its this coming Monday. Oops. But guess who just got an excuse to read all weekend.  :-D

I also got flights booked for the holidays, and am so excited to spend Thanksgiving with my brother and Christmas with my parents! Those trips can't come soon enough, I miss my family. And thank you, mom and dad, for being so patient with me as I muddle through trying to find the best deals on flights.

I got some big news yesterday, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow's post to hear about it, as I've been sworn to silence not to share anything until Wednesday. I hope you're all still able to sleep tonight after I just dangled that cliffhanger right in front of you.

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