Friday, October 24, 2014

Day Four Hundred Forty Nine

I don't even know where to begin describing this past week. I am just so glad it's done. Remember that "no big deal" spider bite last Friday? Turned into a big deal. Swelling eventually transitioned in to debilitating joint pain in both legs that turned in to 3 more doctors appointments (the latter two of which I went to a new doctor on campus - very good decision), a Lyme disease scare, a bevy of blood tests, and copious use of ice packs. The final verdict Lyme disease and all normal blood test results! Just a mysterious bug bite to which I had a severe reaction that will (hopefully) gradually dissipate over time. While the joints are still pretty achy, they're no longer preventing me from doing day to day activities. Now everyone just pray that they get back to normal soon.

My air purifier continues to make me a very happy girl. If I could strap this thing to my back and take it with me everywhere I go, I probably would.

Today was the first day this entire week that I finally felt somewhat relaxed after this whole allergic reaction mess, which is saying a lot since I had an exam this morning. I treated myself to trips to Bath and Body Works and Barnes and Noble (its okay, I had coupons for both) and came out with some mini candles, a new lap desk, and an invitation to join an online book club. I told my roommate about the book club, to which she replied "Oh god, that's so nerdy. You totally joined it didn't you." Um, of course I did. And I'm legitimately excited about it. I think I'll read said book on my new lap desk while relaxing to the aroma of a mini candle. So there.

We're dog sitting Mia the corgi this weekend. She's a sweetie, but she makes me miss my Sophie. I still love that little dog to pieces.

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