Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Day Four Hundred Thirty Nine

Sorry for the lack of blog posts the past couple days...I was enjoying not having to be glued to my laptop on vacation, then once I got back to Austin I learned that the internet in our apartment wasn't working. On vacation, no internet is totally okay. But once I'm back to real life and school and work, no internet is definitely NOT okay. I just got it fixed a little while ago, so I'll be able to post some more Virginia photos tomorrow.

Vacation was exactly what I needed after the stressful 3 months of studying for and taking qualifying exams. Virginia was beautiful and seeing my parents was the best. My first trip to the east coast did not disappoint. The first leg of my trip back to Austin got a little interesting though...due to bad weather in Atlanta combined with a closed runway, the plane I was in got put in a holding pattern until a spot opened up for us. This means we traced big circles in the sky for about 45 minutes. And as our pilot so graciously informed us, we were given the okay to land in just enough time, as we were almost so low on fuel that our flight would have had to make a detour and land elsewhere. Thank you for being so honest, Mr. Pilot, but I really didn't need to know about the low status of our fuel. The good news is we landed, I didn't miss my connection due to a 2 hour layover, and I made it back to Austin safe and sound.

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