Saturday, October 11, 2014

Day Four Hundred Thirty Five

I'm in Virginia! After a grueling week of horrible exams, I needed a vacation. Badly. And after a rough week like that, there's no better place to be then with your parents. I flew in yesterday evening, had dinner at Red Robin (Yum! We don't have any Red Robins in Austin, so I've been craving it for roughly a year now), and then explored my parent's new house. I officially approve of their house buying decision.

Today was a day of shopping. And when I say shopping, I mean "shop so much that your legs hurt by the end of it." But overall the day was a success, and I have some new pants. Victory! I can't get over how beautiful and colonial everything is here. This is my first time on the East Coast, and it is definitely different then the west (best) coast, but in all good ways. Tomorrow I get to explore downtown Richmond and see some true historical sites, as well as my dad's school, so I can pretty much assure you that tomorrow will be a picture post. Today would have just featured pictures of store fronts, so I figured we didn't need visual documentation for that.

On a final note, Texas almost pulled out a major surprise win against OU today. Good job, Longhorns! I was expecting you to suck in tremendous fashion, but I was gladly proven wrong. You made it a true battle. Now on to tomorrow, where Seahawks jerseys will be worn and proudly paraded all over Richmond. Go Hawks!

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