Friday, October 31, 2014

Day Four Hundred Fifty Six

In case you were curious - yes, I am that person that stays in on Halloween night and reads her book all evening instead of going out. And it couldn't have made me happier. Plus I've got my first book club meeting on Monday, so I've got to get this thing READ. We didn't get trick or treaters, but I imagine that's pretty normal for a gated apartment complex? I'm not sure. Regardless, that just means more chocolate eyeballs for me. And I don't hate that.

I was planning on making it a short day today since I've gotten all my experiments done this week, but it was made just a little bit shorter by an emergency evacuation of the entire building. You guys! My first official chemistry building evacuation! I still have no idea what caused it (my guess is something exploded), but it was a little thrilling. Hopefully no one got injured, anything that warrants the entire, giant Welch Hall to be evacuated can't be good.

I'm too tired to think of anything else interesting to write. Happy Halloween, everyone!

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