Sunday, October 26, 2014

Day Four Hundred Fifty One

Things might have gotten out of hand this weekend, and I may or may not have joined 3 more book clubs. Oops? I like to reason with myself that it gives me options if a couple of the clubs have lame looking book selections each month, but I also know that when I get really excited about something, I lose all sense of self control. This is often what happens to me in Costco as well, and is how I end up with things like a 5 pack of toothpaste tubes or a 4lb case of strawberries. Regardless, I chose two of the four book club books for this month, ordered them off Amazon, and am eagerly awaiting their arrival.

I've also been consignment store hopping all weekend in a desperate attempt to make some money off my clothes that no longer fit. I've been to 2 out of 3 and have made $20 (enough to support my newly acquired book club habit for the month), and am hopeful that this 3rd store will show some love to my look-like-new Gap jeans. Come on, Buffalo Exchange!

Other than that, I've spent the weekend relaxing, writing Halloween cards, reading, and watching football. I slept through the second half of the Texas game, because that's how well things were going for that team, and cringed the entire way through a very messy Seahawks win. Get it together, boys!

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