Monday, December 22, 2014

Day Five Hundred Eleven

I'm in Virginia! Things are just as adorable and colonial as I remember. And it actually feels like winter here, which I love. Yesterday was a long day of traveling that involved two flights, both of which were full of way too many infants and children. It was the most haphazard day of flying I've experienced, including people having to walk back off the plane after boarding to check their luggage because the overhead bins were full as well as hanging out on the tarmac in Dallas for 35 minutes because a plane was at our assigned gate. Get it together, Dallas! I wanted to sit down at the bar and grill to eat dinner! Instead I settled for a bagel sandwich. But I do love bagels, so things could have been worse.

Overall, I'm here safe and sound and ready to enjoy the holidays, not think about school, and read as many books as possible.

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