Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Day Five Hundred Five

I'm going to type this post as fast as possible, because I just took Nyquil to help with sinuses and I think we're all familiar with Nyquil mini-comas. It could hit at any moment.

As promised, here are some photos from the past few days. First are a couple from The Singing Christmas Tree performances at Bannockburn Baptist Church. I went to watch the performance on Sunday, then helped usher on Monday (and was able to snag a photo with Rudolph!). The performance was amazing, and I hear it's different every year, so it's nice to know I have a new Christmas show to look forward to next year!

Some of the esteemed ushers for Singing Christmas Tree.

The tree in all its glory.

Next up is a evening out at The Goodnight, an 18+ lounge/bowling alley/restaurant. A group of us went to celebrate Kelly (the roommate) being done with 3/4 of her landscape architect certification exams. Go Kelly go! We learned that the bowling alley is "vintage" meaning you manually keep score. Let me tell you, sometimes it's hard to tell how many pins are still standing 30 feet away (I have no clue how long a bowling lane is...), but we did our best. In other words, if we weren't sure we just assumed we knocked down the most pins -- conversations went as follows:

"Is that three pins still standing?"
"I can't tell. Let's say it's two."

We're essentially pro bowlers.

The vintage bowling alley portion of The Goodnight.

I bought a new batch of Christmas cards today. Who will get one?! Will it be you?! Check those mailboxes.

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