Monday, December 8, 2014

Day Four Hundred Ninety Four

Guess what everyone.....guess what? I don't have to take the final in the one class I'm taking this semester! That means I'm done with classes and exams until mid-January. YEAH! Before you all start rejoicing for me, I still have to work up until I leave for Virginia, so I'll still be on campus every day. But hey, I'll take any silver lining I can get.

I bought textbooks for next semester. That's always a little painful. Thank goodness for and Amazon. And it's such a relief to know that this is the last semester I'll have to buy textbooks (at least for class - I have a feeling grad school will probably find a way to make me buy more textbooks just for research purposes).

Yesterday, I was a Christmas machine. I bought lights to put around the apartment, gift wrapped everything, and got all but one of the boxes packed that I need to mail out. Words cannot express how accomplished I feel, and how happy it makes me that I don't have to step foot in the mall until next year. Victory.

I will now leave you to partake in some binge Netflix watching.

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