Saturday, December 20, 2014

Day Five Hundred Nine

I decided that since I don't actually have a cold and its only my sinuses bothering me, I shouldn't take NyQuil. Instead I bought another Vicks product aimed solely at sinuses. Its called QlearQuil. Yeah, try saying that name without sounding like you're swallowing your tongue. Its ridiculous, but it works, meaning I have to type another fast post before falling in to QlearQuil dreamland.

I somehow became more busy once classes ended. Its all mostly fun stuff, but it leaves me exhausted at the end of the day! Wednesday I went with a friend to Trail of Lights, a huge lighting display that covers a large part of Zilker park in downtown Austin. It was absolutely amazing, and the forecasted rain didn't even show up! This meant we avoided the huge crowds that usually flock to Trail of Lights. Yeah! There was also a giant ferris wheel that gave an incredible view of downtown Austin - I'll post some photos soon. Thursday I had dinner with my Grandpa and Mary. It was delicious, and Mary made one of my favorite desserts to ever exist - chocolate french silk pie. That pie is basically a dream come true, I can barely even handle it. I worked in lab through Thursday, then made the executive decision to take Friday off and do nothing but write Christmas cards and watch Netflix. I finished off the rest of my 20 festive holiday stamps, which I consider an accomplishment.

Today was another full day of lunch with the Avants at SmashBurger (yum!), visiting with family from out of town, packing (I'm still not done......oops), and going to watch the UT Men's Basketball game. We beat Long Beach State (barely) and at the beginning of the game all got to witness a UT player sprinting from the court to a nearby trashcan before getting ill. Poor guy. It was unexpected to say the least, and probably a bit embarrassing to get sick in front of hundreds of fans and likely on television. Get better, basketball player whose name I don't know! And let's all be thankful that it didn't start some horrible chain reaction.

Tomorrow I'm Virginia bound! I can't wait.  :-D

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