Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Day Five Hundred Thirteen

Merry Christmas Eve!

Virginia is cloudy and rainy and I love it. My parents and I made a trip to Colonial Williamsburg yesterday where we saw festively decorated colonial houses, a couple jail cells where Blackbeard's pirates were held (don't worry, Dad and I got a photo of us trapped inside, because how could we not?), and met a man in full historical costume who was, surprisingly, just as much of a tourist as we were (we got photos of this also). The trip was fantastic, I ate at Cracker Barrel for the first time, and I even stopped by the packed outlet mall to get some new jeans. Day = success.

Today was much more low key, consisting of lunch with my parents friends (Archers, it was a pleasure to meet you!), me learning how to make hard boiled eggs, and some Christmas movie watching. Tomorrow......we CHRISTMAS!

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