Saturday, December 13, 2014

Day Five Hundred Two

Woohoo! Past five hundred days! How bizarre. I've had an exhausting week of research followed by multiple movie nights that have had me so sleepy that I've forgotten to write blog posts. You guys, I know I've said it before, but grad school is all encompassing and completely exhausting in every sense of the word. Research this week was filled with frustration over failed experiments, so we just won't tall about that anymore on this post.

Yesterday afternoon I braved the post office. The line was as long and slow moving as I expected, but I got all of my Christmas gifts mailed out so I feel like a holiday champion. The mailman at the counter was also pleasantly surprised that I actually admitted that one of my boxes contained something flammable (but totally legal, don't worry), and immediately thanked me. You're welcome, postman. No planes will be going down because of my boxes, I won't allow it!

As if I needed a reminder that I'm getting older (I know, I know, I'm still not that old) I went to a 9 year olds birthday party today. By the time I got home I couldn't get to bed fast enough to take a nap...that thing wore me out. And I knew I had to stay awake for a UT basketball game tonight, so I had to reboot. UT played horrible but still pulled out a win. I went to the game with a big group from church, and it was a blast. We then all had a late dinner, and now I'm going to sleep. If the maintenance man decides to pull out his leaf blower at 8am again tomorrow, I may throw something at him.

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