Monday, August 31, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Fifty Nine

It's officially my third year at UT, and I still haven't learned...never go to the University Co-op (the student store, for those of you not indoctrinated into UT terminology) during the first week and a half of classes. I'm pretty sure I've made this mistake every single year. That place is a madhouse of haphazardly arranged temporary check-out lines and students not knowing what the heck they need to buy. Oh to be in classes again and need textbooks...oh wait, I never have to do either of those again.

:-D   :-D   :-D

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Fifty Seven

In case you're wondering why I disappeared for a week, the reason is a rather bizarre virus that took me out for the whole week that I won't go in to detail about (you're welcome). The good news is it appears I'm on the upswing of recovery. Yeah!

Last week also marked the first week of the new semester at UT. In other words, there are undergrads everywhere. And they aren't leaving any time soon. The peaceful silence of summer on campus has ended. However, this semester has brought about a number of new experiences for me - the most significant of which's my first semester of not having to take my own classes! Such a weird feeling. This is also the first semester where I'm not TAing an undergrad class, instead I'm the TA for a graduate lecture. It almost feels like a promotion. You know, without any of the actual benefits of a promotion.

Today, I decided I wanted to get crafty and make my own fridge magnets. This necessitated a trip to Michael's. It's been a very long time since I've been to Michael's, and I forgot just how horribly disjointed that entire store is. I only needed four things - glass beads, mod podge, magnets, and laminating paper (the paper wasn't for the magnets, but that's not important). It took me an hour to find four things. I was stomping around the store by the end of it out of sheer frustration. The beads were by the wreaths (naturally), the mod podge by the adhesives (this is the only one that made sense), the magnets by the yarn (what?!), and the laminating paper by the scrapbooking supplies (ugh). I made one magnet tonight just so I could prove to myself that the trip was worth it.

Isn't it cute? I like it quite a bit. Though I may never go to Michael's ever again.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Fifty

Last night, I went to an amazing free concert at a local bar called The Rusty Mule (side note - how fabulous is that name?) featuring two local country bands. First up was Brett Hendrix, who I'd never heard of, but by an hour into his set I had gone on the hunt for a copy of his CD to buy. Next up was the band I went to see - the Cody Bryan Band. I first heard these guys when I went to a different local bar called Moontower Saloon and they just happened to be playing. I immediately fell in love with their music, and if anyone reading this likes country music (or even if you don't), I strongly recommend you check their stuff out. It was such a fun night with some great friends and great music.

Hannah and I with Brett Hendrix after his set.
Cody Bryan Band
Hannah and I with the two (adorable and very handsome) singers, Brett
Hendrix and Cody Bryan

My computer is almost dead, so here's a really quick blog prompt - 

What do you collect?

I collect ticket stubs to concerts/comedy shows/other live events that I go see. I have a little book that I keep them all in, and I'm always disappointed when I get a e-ticket instead of an actual paper ticket.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Forty Eight

I saw this slogan on the back of a van that belongs to a local bottled water company:

"Fresh Squeezed Cloud Juice!"

There were other things that happened during my day today, but none of them can top that.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Forty Six

I'll spare you the details of my continued illness today (you're welcome) and make this blog post only blog prompts.

1. Your best feature - show it off with a photo

I'll go with a physical feature, since my sparkling personality can't be displayed adequately in a photo. Physically, I'd have to say my best feature is my eyes, because they're so unique. Even when I was little and painfully shy (yes, there was a time when this was true), I always loved how different my eyes were. Though I didn't always love how close people got to my face to see them.

2. What's your favorite rainy day movie?

I wish I had more rainy days to watch movies on. Ugh, I miss you pacific northwest. But back to the question - it's probably the 1959 classic Some Like It Hot. I can't even count the number of times I've seen that movie, and it makes me laugh out loud every single time.

3. Name the TV show you have become addicted to

Oh my gosh, Grimm. I started watching it a couple years ago on Amazon Prime, and the rest is history. I'm still in the process of convincing my friends to use Halloween as an excuse to each choose a Wesen (creature from one of Grimm's fairytales) to dress up as. I don't even care if anyone but us understands it. I just...I love that show so much.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Forty Five

The distinct lack of blog posts recently has been the result of an IBS attack that just won't quit. Thankfully, I haven't had an attack of this caliber in quite some time. I haven't missed them. Just wanted to assure everyone that I am alive. Slightly miserable, but alive.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Thirty Nine

We've reached that point of Texas summer where it's literally too hot to do anything. Go to the pool? No thanks, I'd have to walk there in the blazing heat and have the part of me not under water get burnt to a crisp, even with SPF 500 sunscreen. Go somewhere indoors that's air conditioned that isn't my apartment? Well, that would involve getting in my little oven of a car and driving somewhere that will probably cost me money. That being said, I've spent a lot of quality time in my apartment this week cleaning, writing letters, reading, and Netflix-ing. I'll stop complaining (for now).

Guess what I got in the mail today?! A letter from my newly engaged best friend Amanda asking me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding! My answer was obvious - um, YES. I've already booked my ticket for the wedding weekend in WA. I. Cannot. Wait. Amanda, I love you, and thank you for asking me to be a part of your special day!

Tomorrow is my first day of training on the confocal microscope! I'll see if I can sneak a photo so everyone can see what a beast this thing is.

Last but not least, both experiments I worked on today were successful. Both of them. Considering I've gone weeks without a single successful experiment before, today was an exciting day. Like, really exciting. Now to see if they're reproducible. Cross your fingers for me.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Thirty Seven

I had an exceedingly relaxing weekend of doing only necessary chores and basically nothing else. I filled my time with reading, talking with old friends, Netflix-ing, and writing letters. I was way overdue for a weekend like this, and don't feel nearly as close to catatonic as I did this past week. It's a good feeling. Let's hope Monday cooperates and this relaxing feeling sticks around. Though Austin has finally decided to get some typical Texas summer weather and this entire week is forecasted to be 100+ degrees. Ugh. I love air conditioning.

This week I'm getting trained on a fancy new microscope! I'm pretty excited about it, cause you can use it to get some cool, colorful images of some of the bacteria I'm working with. This may not sound exciting, but trust me, it's exciting.

I'll do a couple blog prompts to make up for the many, many days I missed.

1. Three songs that put you in a good mood

This one, like the book question, is tough. Because I love music so much. I may have to take a peek at my most-played playlist on iTunes to help me out with this one. we go.

1. Why Georgia by John Mayer -- By sheer coincidence, this song is playing on my iPod right now. I love this song. Love it. It's my ringtone, and it's been one of my favorite songs since I first heard it back in middle school. It reminds me of driving all over with my mom to watch almost all of my brother's high school JV soccer games, we'd listen to the John Mayer album that had this song on it (Room for Squares) during almost every drive. It's impossible for this song not to make me feel good.

2. Industry by Jon McLaughlin -- Another one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite singers. The piano in this is incredible. I remember using this song for my undergrad photography class final - we had to make a portfolio slideshow to show the class and this was the song I chose to set it all to.

3. Cassiopeia by Sara Bareilles -- I remember when I first heard this song, I thought it was so weird. Now I can't get enough of it.

2. Something sweet

Am I allowed to say chocolate? Chocolate. I don't think I need to elaborate on that any more. I probably could have tried to take that prompt in a deeper, more meaningful way.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Thirty Four

This week has been unexpectedly, exhaustingly busy so far. But today...let me tell you what I did today.

1. Got my car inspected

2. Went to work (failed experiment, so we won't elaborate on that)

3. Went to the Tax Assessors office to renew my car registration (which, as always, just happened at lightning speed)

4. Went to Costco to order contacts

5. Bought pillows and tupperware at Costco (and was legitimately excited about both)

6. Changed my apartment air filter

7. Met my recently married former roommate for dinner before she moves away (love you, Kelly!)

8. Booked a flight to go to Washington (yay!)

In summary, I was such a grown up today. I mean, look at that list. I impressed myself. And now I'm going to bed, because all this adult-ness has me tired.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Thirty

Well, I've made it two full years in Austin. Happy anniversary, Texas! It continues to be an adventure (in every sense of the word) living here. This means it's time for me to go buy myself new pillows for my bed! Last year I decided that would be my anniversary gift to myself, and I still think it's a splendid idea. Watch out, Costco - I'm coming for you this week!

A few big things have happened this year, but probably the most monumental was getting accepted in to doctoral candidacy (which just happened this past month). Because getting accepted in to doctoral candidacy means I passed the written and oral qualifying exams, both of which made this past year extremely stressful, and also finished up the last of my graduate coursework. It's a big deal in the grad student world, and I'm still over the moon that I've gotten it all taken care of.

I celebrated my two year Austin anniversary today by sleeping in (of course) and then going to watch a Round Rock Express game with a friend. We sat in rocking chairs in the ball park, because the Round Rock ballpark is amazing and has a little section that is one row of fancy wooden rocking chairs that are the comfiest things ever. The Express came back from an 8-2 deficit in the 6th to win 9-8, so it was a super fun game to watch.

On a separate note, this past Friday evening I went to see my old roommate Kelly get married, and it was a beautiful wedding full of wonderful people. Kelly, you looked gorgeous, and I'll miss you once you move to North Carolina! Enjoy your next great adventure.  :)

Blog Prompt - A book you love and recommend

Well. It's very hard for me to choose just one. So...I'll choose three instead. And even that is limiting it.

1. The Martian by Andy Weir - I just recently read this one, and it's one of the best books I've read in a long time. An astronaut with a great sense of humor gets stranded on Mars and has to find a way to survive. The movie adaptation comes out in November (with Matt Damon! Yeah!), so I strongly recommend you read this before seeing it.

2. The Year of Living Biblically by AJ Jacobs - A humor book written by a man who decides to live an entire year strictly adhering to the rules set out by the bible. It's a hilarious read, but is respectfully written with regards to the Christian faith as a whole. Both religious and non-religious alike would love this book.

3. Operation Mincemeat by Ben Macintyre - I don't want to spoil too much about what this book is about, so I'll just quote what the cover of the book says. It's a non-fiction book about "how a dead man and a bizarre plan fooled the Nazis and assured an Allied victory." How does anyone not want to read about that?