Saturday, August 22, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Fifty

Last night, I went to an amazing free concert at a local bar called The Rusty Mule (side note - how fabulous is that name?) featuring two local country bands. First up was Brett Hendrix, who I'd never heard of, but by an hour into his set I had gone on the hunt for a copy of his CD to buy. Next up was the band I went to see - the Cody Bryan Band. I first heard these guys when I went to a different local bar called Moontower Saloon and they just happened to be playing. I immediately fell in love with their music, and if anyone reading this likes country music (or even if you don't), I strongly recommend you check their stuff out. It was such a fun night with some great friends and great music.

Hannah and I with Brett Hendrix after his set.
Cody Bryan Band
Hannah and I with the two (adorable and very handsome) singers, Brett
Hendrix and Cody Bryan

My computer is almost dead, so here's a really quick blog prompt - 

What do you collect?

I collect ticket stubs to concerts/comedy shows/other live events that I go see. I have a little book that I keep them all in, and I'm always disappointed when I get a e-ticket instead of an actual paper ticket.

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