Thursday, August 6, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Thirty Four

This week has been unexpectedly, exhaustingly busy so far. But today...let me tell you what I did today.

1. Got my car inspected

2. Went to work (failed experiment, so we won't elaborate on that)

3. Went to the Tax Assessors office to renew my car registration (which, as always, just happened at lightning speed)

4. Went to Costco to order contacts

5. Bought pillows and tupperware at Costco (and was legitimately excited about both)

6. Changed my apartment air filter

7. Met my recently married former roommate for dinner before she moves away (love you, Kelly!)

8. Booked a flight to go to Washington (yay!)

In summary, I was such a grown up today. I mean, look at that list. I impressed myself. And now I'm going to bed, because all this adult-ness has me tired.

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