Sunday, August 9, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Thirty Seven

I had an exceedingly relaxing weekend of doing only necessary chores and basically nothing else. I filled my time with reading, talking with old friends, Netflix-ing, and writing letters. I was way overdue for a weekend like this, and don't feel nearly as close to catatonic as I did this past week. It's a good feeling. Let's hope Monday cooperates and this relaxing feeling sticks around. Though Austin has finally decided to get some typical Texas summer weather and this entire week is forecasted to be 100+ degrees. Ugh. I love air conditioning.

This week I'm getting trained on a fancy new microscope! I'm pretty excited about it, cause you can use it to get some cool, colorful images of some of the bacteria I'm working with. This may not sound exciting, but trust me, it's exciting.

I'll do a couple blog prompts to make up for the many, many days I missed.

1. Three songs that put you in a good mood

This one, like the book question, is tough. Because I love music so much. I may have to take a peek at my most-played playlist on iTunes to help me out with this one. we go.

1. Why Georgia by John Mayer -- By sheer coincidence, this song is playing on my iPod right now. I love this song. Love it. It's my ringtone, and it's been one of my favorite songs since I first heard it back in middle school. It reminds me of driving all over with my mom to watch almost all of my brother's high school JV soccer games, we'd listen to the John Mayer album that had this song on it (Room for Squares) during almost every drive. It's impossible for this song not to make me feel good.

2. Industry by Jon McLaughlin -- Another one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite singers. The piano in this is incredible. I remember using this song for my undergrad photography class final - we had to make a portfolio slideshow to show the class and this was the song I chose to set it all to.

3. Cassiopeia by Sara Bareilles -- I remember when I first heard this song, I thought it was so weird. Now I can't get enough of it.

2. Something sweet

Am I allowed to say chocolate? Chocolate. I don't think I need to elaborate on that any more. I probably could have tried to take that prompt in a deeper, more meaningful way.

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