Saturday, August 29, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Fifty Seven

In case you're wondering why I disappeared for a week, the reason is a rather bizarre virus that took me out for the whole week that I won't go in to detail about (you're welcome). The good news is it appears I'm on the upswing of recovery. Yeah!

Last week also marked the first week of the new semester at UT. In other words, there are undergrads everywhere. And they aren't leaving any time soon. The peaceful silence of summer on campus has ended. However, this semester has brought about a number of new experiences for me - the most significant of which's my first semester of not having to take my own classes! Such a weird feeling. This is also the first semester where I'm not TAing an undergrad class, instead I'm the TA for a graduate lecture. It almost feels like a promotion. You know, without any of the actual benefits of a promotion.

Today, I decided I wanted to get crafty and make my own fridge magnets. This necessitated a trip to Michael's. It's been a very long time since I've been to Michael's, and I forgot just how horribly disjointed that entire store is. I only needed four things - glass beads, mod podge, magnets, and laminating paper (the paper wasn't for the magnets, but that's not important). It took me an hour to find four things. I was stomping around the store by the end of it out of sheer frustration. The beads were by the wreaths (naturally), the mod podge by the adhesives (this is the only one that made sense), the magnets by the yarn (what?!), and the laminating paper by the scrapbooking supplies (ugh). I made one magnet tonight just so I could prove to myself that the trip was worth it.

Isn't it cute? I like it quite a bit. Though I may never go to Michael's ever again.

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