Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Thirty Nine

We've reached that point of Texas summer where it's literally too hot to do anything. Go to the pool? No thanks, I'd have to walk there in the blazing heat and have the part of me not under water get burnt to a crisp, even with SPF 500 sunscreen. Go somewhere indoors that's air conditioned that isn't my apartment? Well, that would involve getting in my little oven of a car and driving somewhere that will probably cost me money. That being said, I've spent a lot of quality time in my apartment this week cleaning, writing letters, reading, and Netflix-ing. I'll stop complaining (for now).

Guess what I got in the mail today?! A letter from my newly engaged best friend Amanda asking me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding! My answer was obvious - um, YES. I've already booked my ticket for the wedding weekend in WA. I. Cannot. Wait. Amanda, I love you, and thank you for asking me to be a part of your special day!

Tomorrow is my first day of training on the confocal microscope! I'll see if I can sneak a photo so everyone can see what a beast this thing is.

Last but not least, both experiments I worked on today were successful. Both of them. Considering I've gone weeks without a single successful experiment before, today was an exciting day. Like, really exciting. Now to see if they're reproducible. Cross your fingers for me.

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