Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Day Seven Hundred Forty Six

I'll spare you the details of my continued illness today (you're welcome) and make this blog post only blog prompts.

1. Your best feature - show it off with a photo

I'll go with a physical feature, since my sparkling personality can't be displayed adequately in a photo. Physically, I'd have to say my best feature is my eyes, because they're so unique. Even when I was little and painfully shy (yes, there was a time when this was true), I always loved how different my eyes were. Though I didn't always love how close people got to my face to see them.

2. What's your favorite rainy day movie?

I wish I had more rainy days to watch movies on. Ugh, I miss you pacific northwest. But back to the question - it's probably the 1959 classic Some Like It Hot. I can't even count the number of times I've seen that movie, and it makes me laugh out loud every single time.

3. Name the TV show you have become addicted to

Oh my gosh, Grimm. I started watching it a couple years ago on Amazon Prime, and the rest is history. I'm still in the process of convincing my friends to use Halloween as an excuse to each choose a Wesen (creature from one of Grimm's fairytales) to dress up as. I don't even care if anyone but us understands it. I just...I love that show so much.

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