Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day Three Hundred Twenty Six

I gave my second exam review session today to the CH455 lecture class. I'm pretty sure atleast half of them were basically sleeping with their eyes open. It should be interesting to see how this exam goes tomorrow morning.

Then...World Cup time! I rigged my laptop up to the projector in lab and watched the game in big screen up on the wall, and it was awesome. Even though we lost. Though I don't remember about 15 minutes of the game due to the extremely comfy couch I was laying on combined with my very heavy eyelids. Oh well, no one scored during that time, meaning I missed absolutely nothing. Sorry World Cup, I get that people find you exciting, but it seems you can still put me to sleep.

Then, it was off to the exciting world of gel molding and melting. After some trial and error, I achieved what I was hoping to, and was likely unreasonably excited about it. I tried to tell a couple non-lab people about it and just got sympathetic and confused faces in return for the seemingly boring life I've chosen for myself. Come on everyone, I promise its exciting! Unlike the World Cup, it didn't even put me to sleep. Woohoo!

I took a quiz online to tell me how Texan I am. The results were not favorable at 34% (or I guess very favorable, depending on where you're from). I'm happy to say that I'm still predominately a Washingtonian, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I miss you Washington, and all the lovely people you contain.

On a final note, I'd like to give a shout out to the Avants for taking me out to dinner. I'm blessed to have you so close by, thanks for spending time with me! It always brightens my week.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day Three Hundred Twenty Four

I made a small tower of gel today. This probably sounds weird and boring, but it was actually pretty exciting when I was able to pull the mold off of the gel and not have the tower rip in half (yes, this is what my life has become). It's kind of messy and not a clean cylinder like the mold, but it was my very first try so I don't even care. Behold! Look at the beauty!

I promise this seemingly useless creation has an actual purpose. I'm early in the research stage, which basically means - "master the small details before you get to do anything interesting or exciting." Welcome to scientific research everyone, it's just a bundle of adrenaline ALL THE TIME.

Guess what else happened today? I got the blueberry back! Yes, the accident damage is fixed, my power locks are back and functional, and I am a happy happy girl. The 2014 Ford Fusion was nice and all for a rental, but I like my little blue car. It's bright and easy to find and even easier to park. And I know what all the buttons and knobs do, which is quite helpful. It's now safely tucked in the garage and eagerly awaiting it's first trip in a while to UT. I think I'll watch some Psych in it's honor tomorrow.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Day Three Hundred Twenty Two

Well, the top of the 11th baseball miracle I was hoping for didn't happen last night. UT lost to Vanderbilt in the bottom of the 11th last, and I was heartbroken. Don't worry UT Baseball team, I still love you.

I went to Barnes and Noble today, then stopped by a newly discovered snow cone stand on my way home. Because when you've had a long, rough week...sometimes you just need a new book and a frozen cup of delicious flavor. For anyone who picked up on the Psych reference that just happened, know that I'm proud of you.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Day Three Hundred Twenty One

Normally I would be in bed right now. But you see, Texas baseball is in extra innings against Vanderbilt and if we win we head to the College World Series championship. So bed just isn't happening right now. And I am very stressed.

I read a book and cleaned the apartment today. I have things to read for work, but staunchly refused to look at them today. It is Saturday, and I am going to ENJOY IT.

Time to watch this game and hope for a top of the 11th miracle from UT.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Day Three Hundred Eighteen

I'm back to working full days in lab after being sick...and it is exhausting. Not bad by any means, but definitely tiring. And you know what doesn't help? The heat! Oh 90+ weather, I just haven't missed you at all. But I know you're sticking around for the next few months, so we're going to have to figure out how to tolerate one another. It's not going to be easy.

My past few days have consisted of lab work, lots of errands, and lots of College World Series watching. Texas has stayed alive with a win tonight and is officially in the final four (YAY!!!). Sorry World Cup, I get that you're a big deal, but my heart and my focus belong to the Longhorn baseball team right now.

I solo proctored my first undergrad lecture exam a couple days ago. In an effort to limit wandering eyes, I told the students to just look at the ceiling if they wanted to look around, that way I wouldn't mistake an innocent sideways glance as cheating. Apparently this worked a little too well and totally freaked them out, because you would not believe the amount of ceiling-staring that occurred after that statement. Oh, the power.

I get the Blueberry back from the collision center soon! I've missed it. I'm not used to driving a car with a back end (come back to me, hatchback!), and I still have no idea what half the buttons do in this rental car. God forbid I want to use the windshield wipers or turn my brights on, because I haven't the slightest idea how to control either of those.

Okay, time to sleep. I'll leave you with a couple photos from the last few days. The first is from my solo adventure to Whataburger, where I documented how absurdly large their "medium" size drink is. Second is my favorite TA evaluation from my lab students last spring. Yes UT, you should definitely keep me.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Day Three Hundred Fifteen

Texas baseball lost their first College World Series game today.

I am sad.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Day Three Hundred Fourteen

I experienced my first tornado warning last night. It's rather unnerving to be watching the storm progression on the news only to find out your section of town is in the path of the most severe weather. Thankfully no tornadoes actually touched down in South Austin, but there was a big funnel cloud that was apparently a little worrisome for a while just a couple miles north of me. I sat in the bathroom for the worst part of the storm (which was loud), then watched the tail end of the big lightning storm that followed it. It was an eventful night.

Thankfully the weather appears to be much calmer, though still incredibly hot. I taught my first review session this morning, which was my first time standing in front of a college lecture class and having students (hopefully) take notes on things I'm telling them. It was actually kind of fun, though still extremely bizarre feeling since I'm still barely older than any of the students in the class. I also bought a new planner today. Do you know what this means? This means I've lived in Austin almost a year. WHAT?! I can't even handle it.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Day Three Hundred Twelve

You guys...I've become acquainted with Sno-Cone trucks. This might be one of the best discoveries of my life. Especially in Austin in the summer. I can't even handle it. I went to one in south Austin last night, then to a different truck just north of campus today. I have a feeling I'll be making many $2.50 sno-cone stops over the summer. Make that over the entire year.

Thankfully, my bronchitis seems to be clearing up. I didn't sound quite as disgusting and socially unacceptable as the past few days. I even made it up to school for a few hours, though didn't do much in terms of lab work since having a sinus infection doesn't mesh well with the always-needs-to-stay-sterile lab environment. Oh well, there's always literature research that needs to be done.

Okay, here are some very belated photo posts from the past week...

This gem of a small western town was located right across the driveway
from Jeff and Krystle's (very fancy) wedding venue. It was an odd pairing.

Dad, just hanging at Pinnacle Peak.


More cactus!

From Dad's first officially visit to the Shear Lab. As you can see from the pictures
on the right, we PhD candidates take life very seriously.

My desk - AKA my home away from home. Thankfully I at least have a window
to look out of.

We made a new squirrel friend.

UT Baseball in the super regional! Early Father's Day gift for dad, and UT even
pulled out a win for us.

John Curtiss, clinching another save.

One of us ended up badly sunburned, the other went to the game prepared.
But we won 4-0 and my boys are off to the College World Series, so it was
all worth it.   :)   

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Day Three Hundred Eleven

Having a sinus infection and bronchitis at the same time is a serious downer. I just want to be able to breathe again! Is that so much to ask? My poor parents, I swear every other time I see them they end up taking me to a walk in clinic.

The blueberry was taken to the collision center today for some much needed TLC. I already miss it. Even if Enterprise gave me a super nice rental car.

I'll make a belated photo post tomorrow. I promise!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Day Three Hundred Eight

Early fathers day celebration happened today with a trip to the NCAA super regional on campus where UT faced Univ of Houston for a spot in the College World Series. Aaaaand...we WON! This makes two wins in a row in this series, which advances us to the College World Series. Needless to say, the UT baseball team was cheering and jumping around after the final out, and the crowd was right behind them. It was a great game, and I'm so happy I got to share it with my dad. The only was 89 degrees at the first pitch and climbed to 93 degrees by the time the game ended. It was so hot. If it weren't for the one booth selling snow cones, I don't think I would have lasted the entire game. Bless you, snow cones.

After the game we had a family dinner at my grandpa's house. It was fun, I got to see all my aunts on my dad's side, which was wonderful - I don't see any of them nearly enough! We took some photos, but they're on my dad'a camera still, and I'm too tired to write anything more tonight anyway. I leave you with a photo from the game today.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Day Three Hundred Seven

Oh allergies. I haven't missed you. My head feels like its stuffed with cotton, which isn't overly conducive to studying chemistry textbooks or trying to partake in research. At least its finally the weekend.

My parents are in town! It's so nice to finally have them back in Austin with me, even if its only for a few days. My dad was present in my apartment yesterday when I opened the blinds on my bedroom window to discover a family of yellow jackets had started making a nest between my window screen and window pane. It just about gave me a heart attack. Thankfully pest control comes every Friday, so that startling situation got remedied. And now its time to get a new window screen. Maintenance!

Tomorrow my dad and I go watch UT baseball play in the super regionals! I can't wait!!! If we win this game we move on to the college world series. I never thought I'd get so invested in UT baseball. I guess riding the shuttle in to campus with most of the team every day during the school year causes them to grow on you. Such lovable buffoons.

Speaking of UT sports, I was finally able to renew my football season tickets yesterday. UT football, I thought we had a pretty good why do you hate my bank account so much? It feels a little harsh.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day Three Hundred Four

I got an insane amount of things done today. Most of them weren't overly excited, such as grocery shopping and laundry and spending almost an hour on the phone with my insurance company (ugh). BUT, I'm pretty sure my brother and I scored a win for a father's day gift. Can you say tickets to the super regional NCAA baseball game this Saturday that UT is hosting?! Dad already knows about it, so I'm not spoiling anything. I'm so happy he gets to see a UT baseball game this season.

Speaking of parents...Mom and Dad get to Austin soon!!! I can't wait. They're certainly taking the hottest route possible to get to Virginia. First Phoenix (which stayed in the mid to high 100s during their stay) and now Austin (which is forecasted to be in the mid 90s all week). Thank goodness for air conditioning.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Day Three Hundred Three

My flight home got delayed due to a hazmat team having to come in to clean our plane. That's always what you want to hear right before you board. So, I'm finally home and completely exhausted...but I promised some pictures from the weekend, so pictures you will get! I'll post even more in the days to come...

First, rehearsal photos - 

Sassi - a beautiful venue with an equally awesome name.

The almost husband and wife. It was SO HOT out during this rehearsal.
100+ degrees hot. My goodness.

Jeff and I, in front of the tapestry at Sassi.

The groomsmen at rehearsal lunch at Yard House



Sibling photo

Day Three Hundred Two

My big brother got married today! The ceremony was beautiful, and thankfully late enough in the afternoon that the outdoor part of the ceremony was in the shade. On a 103 degree day in Scottsdale, this shade was the best surprise EVER. People, Arizona is really hot in the summer. If someone tells you "dont worry, it's a dry heat," this means nothing. Sweltering weather is going to be sweltering no matter what the humidity is.

I could write more, but I am so exhausted. Photos will be posted tomorrow. Congrats, Jeff and Krystle! I love you both.