Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Day Three Hundred Eighteen

I'm back to working full days in lab after being sick...and it is exhausting. Not bad by any means, but definitely tiring. And you know what doesn't help? The heat! Oh 90+ weather, I just haven't missed you at all. But I know you're sticking around for the next few months, so we're going to have to figure out how to tolerate one another. It's not going to be easy.

My past few days have consisted of lab work, lots of errands, and lots of College World Series watching. Texas has stayed alive with a win tonight and is officially in the final four (YAY!!!). Sorry World Cup, I get that you're a big deal, but my heart and my focus belong to the Longhorn baseball team right now.

I solo proctored my first undergrad lecture exam a couple days ago. In an effort to limit wandering eyes, I told the students to just look at the ceiling if they wanted to look around, that way I wouldn't mistake an innocent sideways glance as cheating. Apparently this worked a little too well and totally freaked them out, because you would not believe the amount of ceiling-staring that occurred after that statement. Oh, the power.

I get the Blueberry back from the collision center soon! I've missed it. I'm not used to driving a car with a back end (come back to me, hatchback!), and I still have no idea what half the buttons do in this rental car. God forbid I want to use the windshield wipers or turn my brights on, because I haven't the slightest idea how to control either of those.

Okay, time to sleep. I'll leave you with a couple photos from the last few days. The first is from my solo adventure to Whataburger, where I documented how absurdly large their "medium" size drink is. Second is my favorite TA evaluation from my lab students last spring. Yes UT, you should definitely keep me.

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