Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day Three Hundred Four

I got an insane amount of things done today. Most of them weren't overly excited, such as grocery shopping and laundry and spending almost an hour on the phone with my insurance company (ugh). BUT, I'm pretty sure my brother and I scored a win for a father's day gift. Can you say tickets to the super regional NCAA baseball game this Saturday that UT is hosting?! Dad already knows about it, so I'm not spoiling anything. I'm so happy he gets to see a UT baseball game this season.

Speaking of parents...Mom and Dad get to Austin soon!!! I can't wait. They're certainly taking the hottest route possible to get to Virginia. First Phoenix (which stayed in the mid to high 100s during their stay) and now Austin (which is forecasted to be in the mid 90s all week). Thank goodness for air conditioning.

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