Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Day Three Hundred Twelve

You guys...I've become acquainted with Sno-Cone trucks. This might be one of the best discoveries of my life. Especially in Austin in the summer. I can't even handle it. I went to one in south Austin last night, then to a different truck just north of campus today. I have a feeling I'll be making many $2.50 sno-cone stops over the summer. Make that over the entire year.

Thankfully, my bronchitis seems to be clearing up. I didn't sound quite as disgusting and socially unacceptable as the past few days. I even made it up to school for a few hours, though didn't do much in terms of lab work since having a sinus infection doesn't mesh well with the always-needs-to-stay-sterile lab environment. Oh well, there's always literature research that needs to be done.

Okay, here are some very belated photo posts from the past week...

This gem of a small western town was located right across the driveway
from Jeff and Krystle's (very fancy) wedding venue. It was an odd pairing.

Dad, just hanging at Pinnacle Peak.


More cactus!

From Dad's first officially visit to the Shear Lab. As you can see from the pictures
on the right, we PhD candidates take life very seriously.

My desk - AKA my home away from home. Thankfully I at least have a window
to look out of.

We made a new squirrel friend.

UT Baseball in the super regional! Early Father's Day gift for dad, and UT even
pulled out a win for us.

John Curtiss, clinching another save.

One of us ended up badly sunburned, the other went to the game prepared.
But we won 4-0 and my boys are off to the College World Series, so it was
all worth it.   :)   

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