Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day Three Hundred Twenty Six

I gave my second exam review session today to the CH455 lecture class. I'm pretty sure atleast half of them were basically sleeping with their eyes open. It should be interesting to see how this exam goes tomorrow morning.

Then...World Cup time! I rigged my laptop up to the projector in lab and watched the game in big screen up on the wall, and it was awesome. Even though we lost. Though I don't remember about 15 minutes of the game due to the extremely comfy couch I was laying on combined with my very heavy eyelids. Oh well, no one scored during that time, meaning I missed absolutely nothing. Sorry World Cup, I get that people find you exciting, but it seems you can still put me to sleep.

Then, it was off to the exciting world of gel molding and melting. After some trial and error, I achieved what I was hoping to, and was likely unreasonably excited about it. I tried to tell a couple non-lab people about it and just got sympathetic and confused faces in return for the seemingly boring life I've chosen for myself. Come on everyone, I promise its exciting! Unlike the World Cup, it didn't even put me to sleep. Woohoo!

I took a quiz online to tell me how Texan I am. The results were not favorable at 34% (or I guess very favorable, depending on where you're from). I'm happy to say that I'm still predominately a Washingtonian, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I miss you Washington, and all the lovely people you contain.

On a final note, I'd like to give a shout out to the Avants for taking me out to dinner. I'm blessed to have you so close by, thanks for spending time with me! It always brightens my week.

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