Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Day Three Hundred Thirty One

Dear blog,

I have neglected you. I am sorry. You see, it gets really hot in Austin in the summer, and when this happens I get sleepy (and sweaty and sometimes cranky) and am so excited to sleep that I just forget about you. I promise it will (maybe) never happen again.

I had the apartment to myself this past weekend, which means I was exceedingly productive due to boredom. I got so much done on Saturday (think cleaning and making a box for Goodwill and grading exams) that on Sunday I had long sections of time where I just didn't know what to do with myself. So obviously...Netflix. I watched the pilot episode of Hemlock Grove (I heard it was supposed to be good), and I don't think I've ever been so confused in all my life by a single TV episode. This was Donnie Darko confusing. For those of you who have seen the movie Donnie Darko, you will know what a serious statement this is. So, I abandoned Hemlock Grove and moved on to the BBC series Sherlock, because I am a total sucker for all things Sherlock Holmes. It was a good move, though I'm perplexed as to why this show is even considered a TV show. An entire season is three, hour and a half long episodes. Call me crazy, but that sounds more like a movie trilogy. Regardless, the show is fantastic, and I still have 2 seasons left to watch.

Good news - one of my good friends from undergrad is visiting this weekend! These plans were just solidified yesterday when I got a text from him asking if he could come hang out on the 4th (it should be noted that he lives in Seattle). Nate, I cannot wait to see you. I hope you're ready to tolerate Texas in the summer, and that it doesn't scare you away from visiting ever again.

I watched the World Cup up on the wall in lab again today. And, as per usual, the US scored their only goal in the 2 minutes it took me to run to the bathroom. I figured something big had happened, judging by the yelling and shrieking coming from various grad offices as I speed walked down the hallway. I'm surprised my lab mates didn't chase me away to the bathroom again to see if it triggered another goal. What a stressful, and heartbreaking, ending to that game.

I think I will go sleep away my World Cup miseries now. Goodnight.

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