Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Day Three Hundred Thirty Two

Today was one of those days where nothing I tried in lab worked. Nothing. It was infuriating. And even more so since the exact same procedure worked two days ago. Science, sometimes you just make me mad. I grumped about it to my advisor on the phone, and he just gave me a good natured, "yeah, that happens." Oh research, you fickle fickle fiend. The dilemma will be revisited tomorrow. Wish me luck.

In other news...I ran over to another science building on campus to drop off a student exam, and took the elevator one floor too high. Usually this doesn't illicit any kind of reaction other than "oh, oops"...but I swear it was like I stepped into some kind of Star Trek set. The elevator opened up to one of the "clean rooms" where everyone wears body suits and masks and everything is white and sterile and there are lots of vents. It was startling. I took one step out of the elevator, got confused and a little freaked out, and threw myself back into the elevator as fast as possible. Obviously I was completely rational and level headed during this entire debacle.

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