Thursday, July 31, 2014

Day Three Hundred Sixty Two

The first thing I did today when I got to campus was get filmed presenting a 5 minute PowerPoint on my research. This was for my professional development class, and the purpose of it was to be filmed so we could analyze our own presentation style. The question that was at the forefront of my mind while watching my I actually sound like that?! It always baffles me how different you sound to yourself versus how you sound to other people. I can't even handle it. Thankfully, besides feeling like someone else's voice was coming out of me, I think the presentation went well. There were no "uh" or "um" or "ya know" moments, which feels like a personal victory.

The rest of the day was spent doing both literature research and physical research in the lab. I successfully troubleshooted a problem I was having by the end of the day today, and proceeded to run around lab and tell everyone around me how successful I had been. They all at least pretended to be as enthusiastic as I was, which was sweet of them. After this moment of pure jubilation, it was time to sit down and listen to two lab mates give practice dissertation defenses. I'm not sad that I have a fair chunk of time before I have to worry about giving that particular presentation.

I downloaded a 40 day ab workout app on my phone. Today was Day One, and I'm embarrassed to say that after the 5 minutes of exercise, my abdominals were completely wiped out. Exercise sometimes you just kill me.

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