Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Day Three Hundred Fifty Three

You experiment worked today. The experiment I've been trying to get working for 2 months to no avail FINALLY worked today. I actually shrieked when I realized what was happening. Thankfully I'm surrounded by other researchers who have all had the same experience, and have reacted in equally ridiculous ways. And it worked just in time, considering I have to present to my research group this Friday. Whew!

It was so muggy today. I walked to the post office from my office (maybe half a mile at most) and was dripping with sweat by the time I got back. I looked at the weather on my phone, which said 82 degrees, and I scoffed. Then, in tiny print below the temperature it said "Real Feel: 100 degrees." That's more like it. Don't be telling me its 82 out! Lies, weather app. All lies.

Besides my successful bout of research, today was all study study study for Qualifying Exams. What's more fun then trying to read 4 different chemistry text books at once? Its hard to say.

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