Saturday, July 12, 2014

Day Three Hundred Forty Two

Last night I had to proctor a chemistry final. In case you didn't catch it, I said last night. At 7pm. Honestly, could there be a worse time to hold a final? My students were lucky, I decided to bring cookies to help them push through to the end. I figured we all had to suffer through that horrible time slot together, so I might as well make it a little more bearable with some delicious confections. Apparently they agreed, as I had no cookies left by the time the last final was turned in. And with that, my summer TA duties are officially over. Now on to Monday where I start taking my own summer class. Yay.

I went to Lady Bird Wildflower Center today with a bunch of extended family. We bonded over looking at native flowers in 95 degree heat, it was glorious. The most unexpected part of the trip...coming across a bunch of workout equipment in the center of one of the fields. Um, what? How does that make any sense? It was weird, so obviously we had to take some photos (which will be posted tomorrow). There were also giant (fake) birds nests, lots of butterflies, and even one snake. I was most excited about something called the "Metamorphosis Maze," to which my cousin Josh responded, "you are such a nerd." The maze was kind of a letdown, but at least it helped me solidify my nerd status among the family. While there were some neat looking trails, we all decided to save those for a day that wasn't sweltering... And instead we all went to get snow cones. Clearly this is a family trait.

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