Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Day Three Hundred Thirty Nine

I wore my periodic table Toms shoes in to work today. When my advisor\boss walked in he took one look at them and said "those have got to be the geekiest shoes I have ever seen." This coming from my boss, who is one of the smartest (and therefore nerdiest) people I know. But he's also a chemist, which means deep deep down I'm pretty sure he loves my shoes. As everyone does. Because they're science-y and unexpected and therefore awesome.

I began the treacherous organization of my study materials for qualifying exams today. Two large binders and a full ream of paper later, I now have an arsenal of past exams to study from. Add this to the 4 textbooks I will be reading cover to cover, and it makes for two very exciting months I've got ahead of me. Can't. Wait.

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