Friday, July 25, 2014

Day Three Hundred Fifty Five

I got mobbed by a group of high school kids while I was walking to Welch today. Apparently they were doing a scavenger hunt, and one of the things to find was a person wearing a UT shirt. Guess who happened to wear a UT shirt today? Oh, me. A girl asked if she could take my photo for a scavenger hunt and I said sure, thinking it was just her and a teammate. Imagine my surprise when 12 kids came sprinting my direction, one of whom slipped and fell right in front if me. Nice move, kid. Very graceful. It was definitely an interesting start to the day.

Today was spent doing an experiment (which technically worked, just not the way I hoped it would), studying, and taking a mid-day pool break with my friend Natalie. Considering I'd gotten to campus early for a study group (to which no one showed up for but me...) and had to stay later then usual for a meeting, I was all over the suggestion of some lunch time pool relaxation. The water was the perfect temperature, and there were only 2 other people there sunbathing, so we got prime shade seats and the entirety of the pool to ourselves. It was pretty fantastic.

Tomorrow, I'm going to Costco. Everyone cross your fingers that I maintain my self control...I can get a little out of control there. So many DEALS! 

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