Sunday, July 27, 2014

Day Three Hundred Fifty Seven

Weekends go by really fast when you spend almost the entire time with your nose in an analytical chemistry textbook. That's not cool. I did get out yesterday to go to Costco, where I got my glasses adjusted and made it out buying only 3 things. Yeah! Chips, toilet paper, and eggs. I'll admit, it was a weird combination. It would have only been eggs and toilet paper had the chip tasting booth not sucked me in. Curse you, free always get me. Kelly had two different energy drink samples along with her chips, and was a little wired during checkout. Always an adventure at that store.

Today I went to church, got a beautifully made T-shirt quilt from my grandma (I love it, Gran!) and ate at Schlotzkys. When I ordered my plain smoked turkey sandwich, the girl at the register looked at me skeptically and asked, "do you actually like eating them like that?" Why yes. Yes I do. I love eating things that don't put my stomach in extreme distress. But since its not the first (and I'm sure not the last) time I've gotten this question, I just answered with "it's a dietary thing." I think I just confused her more, so I grabbed my receipt and hustled to the drink station. Then had to sheepishly walk back to get my forgotten order number to put on my table. It was a great moment. At least my sandwich was good.

Other then those exciting moments, my weekend has revolved around electrochemical techniques, potentiometry, and dental journal articles. Bundles of fun.

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