Thursday, July 10, 2014

Day Three Hundred Forty

I don't know what the plant situation is outside my grocery store, but my allergies seriously hate it. By the time I got from my car to the front door it looked like I was just openly weeping...when in reality my eyed were just burning something fierce. My nose and throat have since gotten in on the action, making this a 2 benadryl night. I set my alarm extra loud tomorrow morning to help rouse me from what will probably be a mini benadryl coma. Analytical Chem students I teach, you better appreciate these cookies tomorrow, because my sinuses have been wreaking havoc ever since I bought them. Also, do well on your exam. It makes the grading go by faster.

In the spirit of continuing my periodic table\chemistry attire, I wore my Heisenberg shirt today (made in reference to the TV show Breaking Bad). Its always a hit. A guy at the grocery store passed me then turned around and yelled “I LIKE YOUR SHIRT!” Thank you, sir. That was very kind, though perhaps a bit overenthusiastic.

The benadryl is kicking in. I better put my phone down before I fall asleep on top of it.

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