Monday, July 7, 2014

Day Three Hundred Thirty Seven

I got a new phone today! Checking to find out when you're eligible for a phone upgrade and getting the message "you can upgrade today!" is a pretty wonderful surprise. You better believe I high-tailed it to Verizon after work. I am now the proud owner of a Droid Maxx. It's way bigger then my last phone, but that just means there's more to love. And I somehow got in and out of the Verizon store within 30 minutes. When does that ever happen? Upgrading phones usually takes forever. Regardless, I love it. Hopefully the honeymoon period lasts approximately 2 years until my next upgrade date.

I think it's safe to say that a cicada plague has descended on the UT campus. Those bugs are everywhere, and they're gigantic, and there are SO MANY of them. I legitimately have to duck and weave during the walk to and from my car. Yuck. All those bats under Congress bridge aren't looking so bad anymore.

My boss walked in about an hour after I got to lab and asked if I had been working out because I "had a glow." This may kind of sound like a compliment, but it actually translates to asking why I look sweaty and tired. The answer is because I live in Texas and its summer and I have to park a mile away from work only to dodge cicada assassins on my walk in. Working in a lab that is consistently air conditioned to about 65 degrees helps make up for it.

The rest of my evening\night was spent fiddling with my new phone and studying for qualifying exams. Woohoo!

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