Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Day Three Hundred Forty Six

Good news - I finally managed to get my Lady Bird Wildflower Center photos off my phone and on to my computer! Without further ado...

Because every wildflower center needs an impromptu workout center
in the middle of a field

The best part of the Metamorphosis Maze, even though he was
about a million degrees to sit on

So many butterflies!

GIGANTIC birds nests. These were pretty epic.

A short reprieve from the heat of the day.

Moving on to today - I really should know by now that rain and wet roads equals lots of accidents on the highway in Austin. It took me 20 minutes to go about half a mile, so I exited off the highway and took Congress Avenue to campus instead. Congress Ave goes right through the heart of downtown, and since I've never driven through the middle of downtown Austin before, it was pretty cool. It was also surreal knowing I was driving over Congress bridge, where I just recently watched 750,000 bats fly out from underneath a little over a week ago.

My day at school was a frantic mess of seminars, grading, research, and talking on the phone with my boss. Why was it so frantic, you ask? Well, because I had an eye appointment at 2:15pm, and had to get everything done by 1:30pm to get there on time. I didn't get out of lab until 1:50pm, which means I half speed-walked half jogged the mile from Welch Hall to my car and prayed for all green lights on the way to the highway. I got to the optometry office at 2:25pm and ran to the front desk apologetic and completely out of breath. They looked a little startled, told me it was okay, and asked, "um...would you like some water?" My answer was a resounding, slightly wheezing yes. The whole situation was just ridiculous, but I got new glasses ordered by the end of it, so I guess the extra cardio was worth it. But now my legs are sore.

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