Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day Three Hundred Twenty Four

I made a small tower of gel today. This probably sounds weird and boring, but it was actually pretty exciting when I was able to pull the mold off of the gel and not have the tower rip in half (yes, this is what my life has become). It's kind of messy and not a clean cylinder like the mold, but it was my very first try so I don't even care. Behold! Look at the beauty!

I promise this seemingly useless creation has an actual purpose. I'm early in the research stage, which basically means - "master the small details before you get to do anything interesting or exciting." Welcome to scientific research everyone, it's just a bundle of adrenaline ALL THE TIME.

Guess what else happened today? I got the blueberry back! Yes, the accident damage is fixed, my power locks are back and functional, and I am a happy happy girl. The 2014 Ford Fusion was nice and all for a rental, but I like my little blue car. It's bright and easy to find and even easier to park. And I know what all the buttons and knobs do, which is quite helpful. It's now safely tucked in the garage and eagerly awaiting it's first trip in a while to UT. I think I'll watch some Psych in it's honor tomorrow.

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