Friday, June 6, 2014

Day Three Hundred Seven

Oh allergies. I haven't missed you. My head feels like its stuffed with cotton, which isn't overly conducive to studying chemistry textbooks or trying to partake in research. At least its finally the weekend.

My parents are in town! It's so nice to finally have them back in Austin with me, even if its only for a few days. My dad was present in my apartment yesterday when I opened the blinds on my bedroom window to discover a family of yellow jackets had started making a nest between my window screen and window pane. It just about gave me a heart attack. Thankfully pest control comes every Friday, so that startling situation got remedied. And now its time to get a new window screen. Maintenance!

Tomorrow my dad and I go watch UT baseball play in the super regionals! I can't wait!!! If we win this game we move on to the college world series. I never thought I'd get so invested in UT baseball. I guess riding the shuttle in to campus with most of the team every day during the school year causes them to grow on you. Such lovable buffoons.

Speaking of UT sports, I was finally able to renew my football season tickets yesterday. UT football, I thought we had a pretty good why do you hate my bank account so much? It feels a little harsh.

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